Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How Can She Keep Up with Rich Friends?

Dear Peter & Molly,
I need some help. My parents seem to think that I can have a fun social life even though I have absolutely no money. They always ask me why I don't have very many friends, but then when someone asks me to hang out, and I ask them for some money, they tell me to do something that doesn't cost so much. But all my friends aren't doing things that don't cost so much, so I just have to stay home. What should I do?

No Money

Dear No Money,
Molly and I were wondering how old you are, it might matter.

I'm 14. I started High school this year.

Money, maybe your parents aren't just trying to help you save money. Since your 14, maybe they just don't want you going out with friends that much.

There's nothing about being with friends at 14 that is wrong, if her parents say it's just money, maybe we should take them at their word.

If the issue really is just money, then maybe you need to find some friends that share less expensive interests.

Or maybe you could just make suggestions of cheap things to do. I don't care how rich your friends are, there is no one who wouldn't enjoy going ice blocking, or playing capture the flag in the park. I know it means more work if you're the one instigating the activities, but then at least you can plan them on your own terms. You could also do activities where people pay different amounts like going to the mall, or painting pottery at those do it yourself stores.

I still think that your parents inhibition to give you money may have more to do with your age, so maybe you can take Molly's idea, but expand on it by inviting your friends over to your house, to play games, watch movies, make food or just talk. With your parents there, they can get to know your friends which may make them more comfortable financing other activities that you do with the same group.

If you have any questions e-mail us at PeterMollyAdvice@gmail.com or find us on Facebook