Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Satanic Halloween

Dear Peter & Molly,
Okay guys so here's the deal everyone I know who's not Mormon tells me that Halloween is about letting out demons. Obviously I'm like no. But all my Mormon friends still do Halloween. A bunch of us are all going out trick or treating, and then hanging out all night. And so I used to trick or treat as a kid, but now I'm wondering if I even should and what I should say?
Scared of Halloween

Scared, ever since I can remember there have been ward Halloween parties. I'm not sure what exactly the roots of Halloween is, but it is now a time to dress up, enjoy an evening out, see your neighbors and eat candy. All good stuff. My biggest concern is that you sound a little old to still be going trick or treating.

I don't think that something is okay just because they do it at ward parties, and if Halloween makes you uncomfortable you can always bow out. But don't do avoid Halloween because it's satanic. Halloween comes from a Celtic holiday where they dressed up to scare away spirits, not the other way around. 

The only thing that makes me nervous about Peter's advice is that you don't want to avoid doing things that make you uncomfortable always, because growing up means putting yourself out there and taking risks. 

As far as trick or treating age goes, everyone I know always went one time when they were too old, and they turned out fine. If your friends are still going out I wouldn't worry about it.

If you have any questions e-mail us at PeterMollyAdvice@gmail.com or find us on Facebook

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