Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Should Tom Boy Go Shopping with Sisters?

Dear Peter and Molly,
I'm in junior high, and am the youngest of 4 girls. All of them still live at home, and they all love going shopping with my mom. Up until this year I was usually able to avoid it, because I was a little kid, but now that I'm getting older, it seems like when they are going to get clothes, they are insistent that I come. When I haven't, they've always gotten me something while they were out. I know they think it's nice, but they have really girly styles, and it's just not my favorite. How can I tell them, thanks, I know you're trying to be nice, but I don't like shopping, and I don't like these clothes.

Molly: Dear Tom, I can understand where you're coming from, if everyone else in your family has similar interests, it can be overwhelming when you don't. I think it's really mature of you to recognize that they are trying to be nice, by getting you clothes. The problem is, you do have to get new clothes sometimes, and if you don't like what they pick out, you'll have to pick out your own. Ask them to go shopping some day, and then show them the kinds of styles that you like. They'll appreciate you opening up to their interest, and since it will be your shopping trip, you won't have to get dragged around all day.

Peter: The kindest thing you can do is tell them you don't like the clothes. Clothes aren't cheap, and it's a pity to buy them if they won't be used. So be upfront with them, and then go find your dad, he'd probably love to have someone in the family that doesn't love going shopping all day long.

If you have any questions e-mail us at PeterMollyAdvice@gmail.com or find us on Facebook

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