Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Should She Listen to His Ex?

Peter and Molly,
I started dating "Luke" six months ago, and things have been going very well. He is kind and treats me as though I'm the most important person in the room at all times. He is very chivalrous and attends church with me often, he says he goes every week, and when I've attended his ward haven't seen anything to tell me differently.  He has started talking to me about marriage, and I am thinking about it. Last week a woman "Isabelle" called me. She said that she had heard from a friend of a friend of a friend that I was dating Luke and so she wanted to call and warn me. She said that she broke up with him about six months ago, that he had taken her virginity, and left her with credit card debt, and had cheated on her. I didn't know what to say to her, and I don't know what to do now. I don't want to accuse my boyfriend just because I had a stranger call me, but even if I did he could easily deny the charges even if they're true. I'm worried. What should I do?
Mr. Right or Wrong

Molly: Dear Right or Wrong, the first thing you need to do is ask, and get it out there. Explain to him what happened, and say that you're not accusing him, but you're wondering who Isabelle even is. Anyone could lie, but that's always the risk we take when we date someone. Don't rush into marriage. See how he responds to your question, meet his family and friends. Don't let this one event make you change your decision, but do take it into account, and see if there are other signs that support what Isabelle said.

Peter: I'd be a little more aggressive than Molly suggests. I know that Luke is charming, but charming and manipulative are often two peas in a pod. Being active in church is not the same as being righteous, as you seem to suggest. I would call Isabelle back, and explain that you don't want to end your relationship because of a strangers accusations but that you would be interested in seeing her evidence, particularly of the credit card fraud. I would also, of course, look for other signs. If you decide to end the relationship, make sure you do it when you are in a place with others who can support you such as friends or family.

If you have any questions e-mail us at PeterMollyAdvice@gmail.com or find us on Facebook

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