Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Parents Don't Like Group Activities

Dear Peter and Molly,
     I am 14 and my "friends" which is basically just my church class go out to do things sometimes. Its nothing bad, just movies or mini golf or like that usually one of the parents drives them then picks them up when there done. My parents NEVER let me go! I know I should listen to them but how am I supposed to make friends???

Friendless, what you do is just ask your parents what activities are appropriate for someone your age. Then plan them, and invite your friends.

Friendless, count your blessings. Having people to talk to at church and school is important, but going out on activities is not. Focus on your studies and developing your interests. Learning to be alright by yourself is an important trait.

More important though is learning social skills with others. Your parents understand that, so just figure out what parameters they have for you, then go make friends.

If you have any questions e-mail us at PeterMollyAdvice@gmail.com or find us on Facebook

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