Tuesday, July 3, 2012

How Can He Still Have Faith to Heal?

Dear Peter & Molly,
Thanks for the great blog, so far, I've been really enjoying it. I had a question. Last year my mother died. It's been a very hard time for me and my Dad especially. We have strong testimonies, but there is one thing I just still don't understand. I know that for faith to work it has to be very very strong, but I also know that what you desire needs to be the Lord's will too. How can I ever have faith that the Lord will heal someone else in my life, when he chose not to heal my Mom. I know he could, but I know he might not, and always knowing it may not work, makes having perfect faith impossible. I'll continue to believe even if this never makes sense to me, but maybe you can help me understand. Between the two of you, you seem to have a pretty big picture look at issues.

Following Always, I'll Try Healing

Molly: Wow FAITH, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Losing a parent must be difficult at any time. I know I am very grateful I haven't had to live through that experience yet. I have two answers to your question. First, faith is not believing that God will do something. We can't speak for him. Perfect, mature, faith is believing that God is able to do something. Second, miracles do not require perfect faith, just like anything in the gospel, it only requires our best.

Peter: Rather than disagree with what Molly is saying here, let me just give a couple of examples. Shadrack, Meshak and Abendago were threatened with being thrown into the fire if they didn't pray to the statue of the king. They said that if they were thrown in the fire God would protect them, but then they added something important when they said, "But if not." They had great faith, but they realized God's plan may not be to protect them. Also I think of the father who brought his son to Christ to be healed. Christ asked about the man's faith, and the man said, "Lord, I believe, help thou mine unbelief." This man saw himself as faithless, but he "desired to believe" like Alma said, and that was all the faith necessary for Christ to heal his son. I have faith that with your perspective and with prayer, the Lord will heal your heart, and that you can be together with your mother forever.

If you have any questions e-mail us at PeterMollyAdvice@gmail.com or find us on Facebook

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