Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Facebook Friend Mom?

Peter and Molly,
So I'm 15, I'm not like a little kid that snuck onto facebook, I did it totally legit, I set up my account, and got all my friends, and then the next day my Mom wants to be my friend, she says it's so that she can see everything I'm doing on facebook. So I didn't do anything, and then the next day, she's all like if you don't accept my friend request, you lose your facebook privilege? What? What's the point of having a facebook if you're mom is  watching everything you do? What can I tell her so that she'll back off?

Peter: Dear Friendless, you can say thank you so much for the facebook privilege mom, I'll do whatever you'd like. Honestly, if you don't want her to write cute messages on your wall that all your friends can see, ask if you can give her your account password, that way she can look in and make sure everything's okay, without you having to admit to your real friends, that your facebook friends with Mom.

Molly: I think the point wasn't how to avoid being friends but how to get some privacy. You must have felt like your Mom finally gave you this wonderful gift of growing up and then took it away. Talk to her about it, explain that you want a little bit of internet freedom, and come to a compromise. Understand she just wants what's best for you, and internet safety is important. See if you can make a deal, where you'll only facebook where she can see you, or something similar that will work for both of you.

If you have any questions e-mail us at PeterMollyAdvice@gmail.com or find us on Facebook

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