Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Should She Be the Other Woman?

Dear Everyone,
So, it's been a pretty cool first week, and I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did, but it's the weekend now, and so we're going to cut down to one problem a day. They should be fun, though, Saturday's are going to be the letter we thought was the most interesting of the week, we'll call them Salacious Saturdays, and then Sunday we'll answer the questions you asked that we're more spiritual/doctriney/churchey, we'll call those Sunday School Sundays, we'll have to come up with a better name next week, but it should be fun, so to all of our readers, lets dive into our first every Peter & Molly weekend.

Peter & Molly,

Thanks for asking me to send you a letter, I actually do have a problem and some outside eyes might help. There's this guy (isn't there always,) and he asked me out, and it was just dinner and a movie but still we had a good time, and then at the end he said he wanted to see me again! Great, right, so we set up a date for next Saturday, well in the meantime I'm talking to my best friend, and she's all excited because she has a date on Friday, with guess who, the same guy! So I don't know what to do, I know we aren't an official couple, but if he was that interested in me, maybe he could have managed to fit me into his Friday date slot, and secondly doesn't this strike you as just a little sketchy? Part of me doesn't want to go out with him at all, but even if I do, what do I say, "hey, how was your date with my best friend last night?" Should I expect my friend to cancel her date too?


Not the Other Woman

Hey Other,

Thanks for the question, we were wondering though how old you are?
Molly & Peter


I'm 18, but I'm in the YSA ward.

Other, what you should do is have something come up that you can't get out of Saturday night, and then never worry about him again. No, you didn't have a commitment to him, but trying to juggle dating multiple woman at once is not the sort of relationship you want to get into, either.

The only thing I agree with Molly about, is that you shouldn't bring up the date with your friend. Going out with more than one person at once is not a problem, until you're in an exclusive relationship. You're not. In addition, he could have already had the next date scheduled, when the two of you had a good time. It's not like he could cancel it. Go out, have a good time, don't rush getting into a relationship, just enjoy the time for whatever it is.

I understand what Peter is trying to say, but it applies to outdated ideas about dating. It would be nice if everyone saw a first date as just a time to go out, but no one does, and so this really does give you an insight into what kind of guy this is.

The kind of guy that wants a better dating culture than he was given? Even if this was a sign that something was wrong with this guy, don't just give up, there could be lots of other factors.

If you have any questions e-mail us at PeterMollyAdvice@gmail.com or find us on Facebook

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